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healthy foods for Diabetes on display including salmon, whole wheat bread, nuts, fruit and

Diabetes Dietitian & Nutritionist

Struggling with Blood Sugar Levels?

Our team of dietitians will create a personalized plan to fit your individual needs, lifestyle and manage your diabetes.

Diabetes: The What, Why, and How

Diabetes impacts the way your body manages glucose. Glucose is the body's primary source for energy making it necessary for cellular function. The hormone insulin is produced by your pancreas, it facilitates the transportation of glucose into your cells for energy. With diabetes, the body is either deficient in insulin or ineffective in utilizing the insulin it creates, leading to elevated levels of blood sugar. Other contributors of high blood sugars include an imbalanced diet rich in carbohydrates, lack of physical activity, and carrying excess weight.

How a Diabetes Dietitian Can Help You

Your diabetes dietitian will create a holistic plan so you can learn how to successfully manage your blood sugars. With our science made simple approach, you'll learn how different foods affect blood sugar levels and to create balanced meal to optimize blood sugar control.


✔ Achieve stable and balanced blood sugar levels through tailored dietary guidance.

Reduced medication dependence due to better lifestyle management.

✔ Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes for those with pre-diabetes

✔ Reduce episodes of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) reducing long-term health complications

✔ Holistic health improvements by addressing other health concerns like high cholesterol

✔ Reduce episodes of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

✔ Improve insulin sensitivity through dietary adjustments (insulin resistance)

✔ Understanding the glycemic index and learn what foods cause your blood sugar to rise and fall

✔ Create balanced meals that are simple, delicious and optimized for blood sugar control

✔ Recipes tailored to your taste and preferences

✔ Greater confidence to manage diabetes in different situations, like dinning out and traveling

✔ Personalized supplement recommendations that can complement your diabetes management plan

✔ And more!

Schedule an Appointment with a Diabetes Dietitian  

Whether you're dealing with elevated blood sugar levels, pre-diabetes, have been diagnosed with Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes, partnering with a dietitian can be a key resource in controlling your blood sugar and reclaiming your health

Take charge of your diabetes today. Conveniently, our services are available virtually and can be accessed in the comfort of your own home. Your nutritionist will create a personalized plan, with tailored to you nutrition care, and provide a supportive partnership that empowers you to make sustainable changes for lasting results.

We now offer Direct Billing

Many insurance plans cover dietitian services, and we make it even easier by offering direct billing. Experience a smooth process from start to finish: after booking online, you'll receive an intake form to easily submit your insurance details, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Helpful Diabetes Resources:

In addition to personalized nutrition counselling from our registered dietitians, we've compiled a selection of helpful resources:

Understanding Pre-diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes

Diabetes management: How lifestyle, daily routine affect blood sugar

Diabetes friendly recipes

Diabetes Glycemic Index

Diabetes Canada Resources

Related Nutrition Services

Get in Touch with us via Contact Form

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